Sunday, February 20, 2011

What is involved with horse show coaching fees?

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Question by DR: What is involved with horse show coaching fees?

We are charged a coaching fee at horse shows and would like to know what we should be getting for our money. At a recent show my daughter did not school during break before cross rails class. Do we have to ask to warm up during allotted warm up time? She did her best but her horse is green and with no warm up they did not place. She was also late to the classes. Is it her responsibility to know or should the coach have told her to get ready?

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Answer by Park Pleasure
You should be getting the attention of her coach BY her coach.

Although I don't show H/J, my coach is on her students about an hour before class for make-up, pep talks and warm up prior to entering the ring. She is also right on the rail showing her support during the class. If there is a conflict with another person showing, then the groom will be by the ring or someone to offer support while the coach tends to another rider whose class might be next.

As far as being on time, I feel that your daughter should be responsible for that as much as the coaches if not more. We all have class lists as well as the lists being posted in our stable area, dressing room and grooming areas. It's a team effort and all people involved should communicate and work together.

I find it hard to believe that an anxious and responsible rider would not be aware of when their class is and what needs to be done to be there on time.

We usually have a string of 12 horses at a show...with the head coach, groom, and the head coaches head coach...her father..and we run pretty smoothly and professionally!!

ADD-- as far as the lateness...the announcer does make barn calls to alert everyone of what class is in the ring as well as what class is next. Sometimes two in advance. There is no reason to be late unless there is an equipment problem or a rider was in a previous class and needs to remount but, if you let someone know, they will usually hold the class from starting.

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